Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Preparing your lawn for spring in St Louis
Preparing your lawn now can help keep your yard healthy and green during the harsh summer months in St Louis. The early spring is a good time to give your yard the head start it needs with aeration and fertilization. Lawn aeration allows essential nutrients to reach your yard's root system and reduces soil compaction . Improving the health of your yard's root system will help ensure your lawn can survive the heat stress of the summer months. Applying fertilizer after you aerate your lawn, will get "food" immediately into your root system. Choosing the right fertilizer is important. Usually a slow release product will be a good option for most lawns.
Keeping your yard weed free is also important. Weeds are opportunistic and invade "weak" lawns so keeping your yard healthy is a good start. To minimize weed invasion its important to take care of bare areas of your lawn by seeding, proper fertilizing, proper mowing and watering which will help your lawn stay healthy enough to keep weeds at bay.
Here are some more tips to prepare your lawn for summer in St Louis:
1) Rake and remove excess thatch and debris accumulated, rake up matted areas to allow new growth of grass.
2) Apply a pre-emergent crabgrass control in early spring prior to temperatures reaching 60 degrees. After it will no longer be effective as seeds will have begun to germinate.
3) Fertilize your lawn to provide nutrients to give your yard strength for the upcoming heat of summer.
4) Core aeration will allow water and nutrients to reach your root zone faster resulting in a stronger root system .
5) Repair damaged areas from salt by re-seeding areas
6) Mow lawn properly and frequently. Frequent mowing helps strengthen roots and make your yard
more hardy.
All these lawn techniques will help your yard survive the heat of summer, leaving you with a vibrant, healthy green lawn.