Monday, January 26, 2015

Why its important to rake your leaves before snowfall?

Not worrying about the leaves on your lawn now can add to further problems down the road. Some clients have asked me about the importance of cleaning them up so it gave me an idea for a blog. Overwintering leaves can harbor pests and diseases that will appear again in the spring. Removing the leaves from the lawn now helps to avoid this issue. I know a lot of you are thinking that you hate raking up leaves but it can be a good workout.

St. Louis lovely fall colors are nice to look at until the leaves begin to come down from the trees. Then it`s time to perform the annual leaf clean-up we face every year. Even people without trees in there yard always get leaves from the neighbors down the street. It`s as if the leaves are attracted to your lovely yard just to throw things off. It`s like when you wash your car and a flock of birds fly over right after that. You stand there and go "Really?" Yeah it`s that way unfortunately, even if you have tall fences.

Leaves left on the yard can hurt the yard down the road as stated earlier. Pests love a warm place to stay in the winter just like all of us do. In turn they can brown up the yard and cause even more damage by killing off the lawn or plants that the leaves are collected around. Here`s a couple of things to help make leaf clean-up easier. Use a small blower to collect the leaves in one area to make bagging them up easier. Inserts are now available that go into the lawn bags to help them stand up on their own while you fill them. We use them to help bag leaves and they work pretty well. A lot of municipality`s offer curbside leaf pick-ups. I know it`s a little late in the season now to use them, but keep that in mind for next year. When hauling the leaves to the curb, use a tarp to drag the leaves out instead of a trash can. You can get more on a tarp than in the cans sometimes. Just don`t overload it to where it`s too heavy to drag.