Your lawn is a living breathing plant just like any other plant. It needs food, air, & water like everything else. Good sunlight, a regular watering schedule are just a couple of things that can help you have a luscious green yard. Lawns generally get a lot of nutrients from Mother Nature but a good fertilization schedule can be very beneficial just like its good for us to get a daily serving of fruits and vegetables. A general feeding will help your lawn to develop a deeper root system and a thicker density of coverage (filling in more as it develops). These two things can help the lawn survive during the summer heat, and a thicker, denser lawn is a natural defense against those pesky weeds.
The main three ingredients of a lawn fertilizer consists of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (N-P-K). Take a look at the front of a lawn fertilizer bag. The different numbers you see on the front (10-18-32) give you the information of how much of each of these elements are present in the product. Each of these elements has its own benefit for your lawn. Nitrogen provides the green color and thicker grass blades. Phosphate helps feed the root system. Potassium helps the roots to develop that deep root system.
There are two forms of fertilizers on the market, liquid and granular each having its own benefits. Liquid fertilizers provide a quick feeding with helps a lawn revitalize itself in days. The downside is that it’s a lot more expensive. Granular fertilizers do take some time to feed but will last longer with a lot of products now having a slow release system.
If any help is needed in developing a fertilizer program for your yard, give us a call. We provide a complete fertilization program to fit everyone's needs.