Thursday, January 2, 2014

How to make a compost bin.

Compost is a mixture of different materials that turns into a good soil amendment. This is a good way if you like to garden organically without chemicals.  There are really only 3 key things to remember when starting your own compost bin.  They are simple to maintain and in return makes great harvests for your garden.

First thing is to build a structure to house the compost in. They can be built yourself or pick one up at your local gardening center.  They range from tumblers to simple wire meshing holding them together.  When building a structure, keep in mind how much waste is at your disposal and how fast you need the after product for gardening. Once a structure is decided on, try to place it in a sunny spot in the yard. A warm compost bin will decompose a lot faster than one in a shady area in the yard.

Next, is the key ingredients for a good compost. There are two key factors that consist of brown and green matter. Brown matter can be twigs, dried up leaves, wood chips.  Green matter consists of grass clippings, food waste.  Keep away from things like meat & fish as this can invite in unwanted critters.  Mixing brown and green matter in equal intervals is a good idea to keep a good balance in the compost.

Third thing is just a few rules for housekeeping. Turn the pile over every week or two to make sure there is a good blend of ingredients. Feel the pile after turning it to see how much moisture is at hand. Add a little water if it feels dry to the touch, too much water can turn your pile into a pile of mush though. Add new green and brown matter regularly to keep the feeding bacteria feel at home. The final product should be a dark, matter that looks like soil. This usually tends to take a couple of months depending on the factors as mentioned above.

Lastly,  if you hire a landscaper or lawn service, be sure to let them know you have a compost so they don't dispose of your yard waste which can be a valuable source of ingredients for your compost.

photo credit: USM MS photos via photopin cc