Friday, August 8, 2014

Grass is growing between my brick patio

Grass and weeds can eventually grow through the grout and sand after many years on your patio. Years of mother nature beating down on them weakens the strong hold between your bricks or pavers and weeds will find there way through. A couple of good steps and this can be taken care of.

Depending on how your patio was put together will determine what needs to be done. If the ground has started to become unlevel in spots it may be time to redo the patio and level everything out and install a new base underneath. If your bricks were laid next to each other and the gaps filled with sand, it`s time to bring in more sand. Before hand either hand pull the weeds or apply a good weed killer found at most home improvement stores. Always follow directions on the label for the pesticide. Once the weeds are taken care of let`s get that new application of sand put in. Simply dump the sand in small piles on the patio, use a good bush broom to work the sand into the gaps. Use a garden hose afterwards to clean off any sand that remains on top of the bricks.  There are also many environmentally friendly, natural weed control options available to use.

If the the bricks were grouted with mortar in between the gaps this may be a little more complicated. If there are just small areas, this is a simple DIY project for you on the weekend. Start removing the old mortar from in between the gaps with a chisel or grinder with a concrete wheel. Try to avoid damaging the bricks when accomplishing this task. Remove the bricks after the mortar is removed. Check the base under the patio at this time and make any adjustments if needed. Start adding the bricks back in place and using new mortar to connect them.  A larger area may need the attention of the professionals depending on the scope of work. St. Louis has a wide range of good tuck-pointing and brick layers that can assist with the project.