Friday, November 29, 2013

Santa may be a pro at walking on roofs and climbing down chimneys, but most homeowners are not.

This is a small article I found on the web I would like to share with everyone:

Thousands of Americans end up in the emergency room each holiday season due to falls when hanging holiday lights or decorations. While broken bones are the most common types of injuries, falls can be fatal.

Around 165,000 Americans require medical treatment for ladder-related falls each year (CDC Study).

Four out of five American homes use ladders around their homes to prepare for the holidays. (Home Safety Council Study)

97% of ladder injuries occur at home. (American Journal of Preventative Medicine)

Winter weather adds risks wet/icy conditions and condensation make ladders and roofs slippery, and blustery wind can cause ladders to become unstable.

Men are 40% more likely than women to be treated for ladder-related injuries (CDC).

Injury severity increases with age.

To ensure you and your family have the happiest of holidays, your safest bet is to hire a professional to handle hanging those Christmas lights and decorations for you. We offer holiday lighting set-up and removal. You buy the lights and we do the rest.

If you choose to handle it yourself, however, here are some ladder safety tips from OSHA to remember:

Make sure your ladder is on secure and level ground before climbing.

Keep the area around the top and bottom of the ladder clear.

Space the base of the ladder one foot away from the wall for every four feet it extends up.

Stay centered between the rails of the ladder. Do not overreach. Move the ladder instead.

Do not stand on the top two rungs of the ladder.

To reach a roof, extend the ladder at least three feet beyond the top of the roof.

Ensure step ladders are securely locked open. Never use a folding step ladder if it is closed.

photo credit: Gamma Man via photopin cc
*Source Ecleanmag. com 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What is there to know about snow removal?

St. Louis weather brings many changes in the winter. Bitter cold & strong winds are  sometimes the case. Our winters around here have been slightly warmer in the past years though. The Farmers Almanac is predicting a snowy winter this season. With that in mind, here`s a few steps to prepare yourself for the snow. Obviously, first rule of thumb is to dress warm. Put enough layers on to keep warm outside, but don`t over due it as natural body heat can get hot quick. Try to do a short as you would when you work out. This helps to loosen the muscles in your body. "Always lift with your knees, and not your back."  This is a phrase we have all heard before as it also applies to shoveling snow. Stay hydrated and schedule short breaks as to not over exert yourself from the cold weather. Or if the thought of being in front of a warm fire sounds better than old man winter, let us remove the snow for you. Sit in your window sipping hot cocoa as we battle the St. Louis winters. We offer residential and commercial snow removal services in St Louis city and county for walkways & driveways.

photo credit: quinn.anya via photopin cc